Cigar and AlcoholThe cigar has long been viewed as a luxury of the rich and powerful. Images of well-to-do men and women puffing on a stogie and swirling a glass of good brandy have been well documented and memorialized in films and TV.  If you are just becoming interested in cigars and would like to relax with a stogie and drink after a long day, it helps to keep in mind that cigars from different regions have distinctly different characteristics.  For example:

  • The famous Cuban cigars are renowned for their smoothness and ‘creamy’ flavors, and applauded for their rich flavors and overall premium quality.
  • Cigars from Central American countries like Honduras and Nicaragua are known to be strong and rich in flavor.
  • Cigars from Caribbean countries like Jamaica and the Dominican Republic are known for their milder flavors.

Once you’ve considered the origin of your cigar, you’ll want to pair it with the best alcohol option.

Discover 8 pairing suggestions designed to enhance your cigar experience.  

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