Lawrence Clark, Mountain Man Gourmet, cooking in style, real men can cook, who says men can't cook, mountain living, mountain cooking, great recipees for men, manly cooking, manly recipees

Hey There!

If you’re anything like me, meaning you’re a Real Man who loves to cook and has a Real Woman who doesn’t necessarily like to (not that she can’t mind you; she’s a great cook, she just doesn’t like to), then you do most of the cooking at your house, too.
And if you’re nothing like me – meaning you have a Real Woman (mom, girlfriend, wife, hired-help) who is willing to do most of the cooking – then you’ll appreciate my simple, low-cost, yet tasty and nutritious recipes for those moments when you are stuck fending for yourself or need to plan a romantic evening, or maybe score some serious brownie points when you’re in the dog house.  Either way, I hope you have as much fun with my recipes as I do!


CLICK HERE to get loads of free recipes and cooking tips, rants, and video tutorials to help you cook like a Real Man! Yes, that’s right– CLICK HERE!


ljc smile sunrise





Lawrence J. Clark

Your Friendly Neighborhood Mountain Man Gourmet

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